The University of Tokyo – Stockholm Trio Workshop, 27-28 September, 2021


Monday Sept. 27
(Times in CET +1 & in JST)
08.00 – 08.05
Plenary session 
15:00 – 15:05
Welcome and introductionOnline
08.05 – 09.05
Plenary session 
15:05 – 16:05
How can universities make an impact on society, relating to SDGs and Covid-19? OnlineSpeakers:
Johan Küylenstierna, SU

Hiroko Akiyama , UTokyo
09.05 – 09.10
16.05 – 16.10
Presentation of Thematic workshopsOnline
09.10 – 09.35
16:10 – 16:35
Coffee/Tea break
09.35 – 12.00
16:35 – 19:00
Thematic workshops Impact of Covid-19
Discussed in all themes
Theme 1The Brain and SocietyOnline
Theme 2BiomaterialsOnlinei)Nanocellulose
ii)Bio-nanomaterials for therapeutics
Theme 3Education for Sustainable Development & Healthy ageingOnline4.1 Large-scale Computation in Life Science ​with the Memorial of Prof. Fujitani
4.2 Interfacial Thermo-Fluid Mechanics 
Theme 4Multiscale and Multiphysics PhenomenaOnline
Theme 5Hybrid infrastructure for Urban SustainabilityOnline
18.00 – 21.00Dinner in Stockholm Syster och Bror, KTH
