Workshop on Education for Sustainable Development within the UTokyo-SthlmTrio partnership

Stockholm, 28-29 September 2023
Frescati Campus, Stockholm University

As part of the University of Tokyo-Stockholm Trio partnership, a two-day workshop on Education for Sustainable Development is arranged in Stockholm 28-29 September 2023. Participants are a dedicated group of teachers, students, educational developers, researchers, and managers, representing engineering, medical, and teacher education, at UTokyo, KI, KTH, and SU.


  • Identifying sustainability problems, predicaments, and opportunities, from the global as well as specific Japanese and Swedish perspectives.
  • Together learning more about the concepts and theories of ‘Key Competencies for Sustainability’ (KCS) and ‘Transformative Sustainability Learning’ (TSL), through an integrated literature seminar.
  • Sharing experiences from and jointly exploring new ideas about Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), within engineering, medical, and teacher education, at UTokyo/Japan and KI/KTH/SU/Sweden, and in interdisciplinary learning settings.
  • Planning the next joint steps.

Potential outcomes:

  • Initial piloting and planing for joint teacher training workshops on TSL, that will constitute part of the SthlmTrio-UTokyo joint TranSLeaP research project.
  • Initiated development of a survey on how students understand sustainability.
  • Initiated development of a joint sustainability related interdisciplinary course where students from our respective universities can meet and collaborate.
  • Initiated development of joint sustainability related disciplinary specific courses.
  • Initiated writing of a joint paper about the design, conduction, and outcomes, from the workshop.

Program overview

Day 1

  • Joint exploration of sustainability problems and predicaments, from the global as well as the Japanese and Swedish perspectives.
  • Literature seminar on Education for Sustainable Development, with specific focus on ‘Transformative sustainability learning’ and ‘Key competencies for sustainability’ as described in the following pages. Participants are supposed to prepare by reading the two papers that are assigned to them in the group listings towards the end of this document.
    Day 2
  • Sharing and discussing existing examples and identifying new ideas on Education for Sustainable Development, specifically within engineering, medical, and teacher education, as well as interdisciplinary needs and opportunities.
  • Consolidating workshop outcomes and planning for continuing collaboration.

The two themes in focus:
A. Key competencies for sustainability
B. Transformative sustainability learning

Workshop Co-ordinators:

Yuto Kitamura, Prof, Graduate School of Education, UTokyo
Shu-Nu Chang Rundgren, Prof, Department of Education, SU
Matti Nikkola, Prof, Head of Education in Cell and Molecular Biology, KI
Anders Rosén, Assoc. Prof, Unit for Learning in STEM, KTH
